A full, professionally designed and re-posted ad in Craigslist.org until it sells!
A full, professionally designed and re-posted ad in Ebay Classifieds until
it sells!
A full, professionally designed web page ad announced on Google+ to the world!
A full, professionally designed web page ad featured on WordPress.com...
A “full,...”on at least 2 of our sites or blogs (we run 25-30) that match the item category...
Every web page we submit is automatically posted on our Twitter,
Facebook page, Linkedin and Myspace accounts...
If you advertise multiple items, we’ll link them together, greatly increasing your exposure (and your chance of selling BOTH/MORE of your items and increasing your sales!).
Our ‘NETWORK’ consists of links to each of our websites, blogs, e-stores, e-malls, press release (media) sites, our social profile sites and then, back-link to and from each other, therefore completing our TRACKABLE (through Google analytics) NETWORK. With this advantage, we can track who visits your web page item, where they came from, how long they visited, where they went afterwards, and of course, if they even thought about clicking that ‘BUY NOW’ button!
Any TRANSACTIONS that are handled by us, for you will be processed
through our PayPal account. This has at least 3 advantages for you:
(A.) It assures both you, us and your customers credibility as well as both, buyer and seller protection!
(B.) ever since the introduction of ‘prepaid’ credit/debit cards and the marvels of Google Wallet (I-phones), ANYBODY can use PayPal now!
(C.) You can sell your items while you sleep, or on vacation in Hong Kong!You simply don’t have to be there! That’s your choice!
10. Just to give you some idea of how extensively our network is linked, our website, “Spy Gadgets ‘R’ Us” currently has 1,019 links! This fact and with the use of proper SEO, and KEYWORD techniques we use will get any item sold fast! 11. And on top of ALL that, there are a number of ‘free ad’ companies in the
Phoenix Metro area, (such as Moogle) who we also link with in order to
fill their ‘gaps’ in their publishings as well! (and that’s a win, win, win
scenario for everyone.)
Now, that we’ve just given you at least TEN postings, and
a few thousand links on professionally designed web postings, on a trackable network, how much faster would your item sell?
HOW MUCH TIME AND WORK would it take to submit
10 postings twice a week?
(you’ve got better things to do right?)
Well, we only have a one time charge
to post an ad until it sells, and it cost the same
if the item is valued $1000 OR $100.
We’ll design a custom page for your ad and post it as
until it sells for
ONLY $29.95!
Call Us TODAY!
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